1:00-2:00 PM EDT
On September 20th, the California University of Pennsylvania Government Agency Coordination Office – Procurement Technical Assistance Center is hosting a webinar on all aspects of the protest process taught by Cohen Seglias Federal Contracting Partner Maria Panichelli.
As any Federal Government contractor will tell you, today’s federal contracting market is extremely competitive. Many solicitations ultimately involve bid, size or status/eligibility protests. Understanding these protests and the related procedures can make the difference between getting the contract, or getting left out of the race altogether. Maria will explain the differences between the various types of protests and walk you through the debriefing process, as well as the who, what, when, where, why & how of filing a protest. Maria will also explain the other side of protests, teaching you how to defend against protests filed by frustrated competitors. Sign up today and learn how to use debriefings and protests as an affirmative tool to get the contracts you want.