The Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) reports, in its latest issue of the SAME Government & Industry e-News, that since the Department of Defense (DOD) Mentor-Protégé program began 16 years ago with one agreement, industry participants have formed nearly 1,000 more agreements. The scope of the program also has grown to include women-owned, service-disabled veteran-owned and historically underutilized business zone concerns. In a recent Web-based survey of 48 former protégés conducted by the Government Accountability Office, most protégés reported that the program was a valuable experience that enhanced their business development and helped increase their contracts and revenues. Verifying the value of the Mentor-Protégé Program, 98 percent of the protégés reported that they would recommend the program to other eligible small businesses. Presently, more than 230 firms participate in the program, representing the manufacturing, service, construction, and research and development industries.