Contractors continue to be concerned about the impact that the filing of protests or claims will have on their past performance evaluations in negotiated procurements.  While it is never a good idea to file a frivolous protest or claim, it is improper for procurement officials to downgrade past performance evaluations simply because a contractor has

We recently reported (see our earlier blog article) the decision of the United States Court of Federal Claims in BLR Group of America, Inc. v. United States, issued on November 25, 2008, in which the Court opened the door to contractor challenges of unfair or incorrect performance evaluations.  Coming literally on the heels of

One of the most important factors considered by agencies in negotiated procurements is the past performance of an offeror. In addition to the information that an offeror might provide in response to a solicitation, source selection officials can access the performance evaluations from an offeror’s prior federal contracts.  It is important, therefore, for Federal construction contractors to know what information on their past performance is available to procurement officials.

A contractor can review its own performance evaluations on the internet by accessing the Business Partner Network website. and clicking on the link Past Performance Information Retrieval System, PPIRS. [].  The PPIRS is maintained for the government by the Department of the Navy.  The Navy requires that, before accessing the system, a senior management representative must register by submitting a Senior Management Access Request Form to the office identified on the form.

In addition, before accessing the PPIRS a contractor must not only be registered with the Central Contractor Registration (CCR), [] but also must have created a Marketing Partner Identification Number (MPIN) in its CCR profile. Instructions on creating an MPIN are available on the CCR website.

As everyone who has dealings with the federal government is learning, access to government information is becoming more difficult, particularly information from the Department of Defense.  Obtaining the past performance information on your federal contracts is no exception.  As of November 1, 2006, contractors must also have a valid DoD PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) certificate.  For most federal construction contractors, this certificate must be obtained from an External Certificate Authority (ECA). The approved ECA vendors for the Department of Defense are VeriSign, Inc. and Operations Research Consultants, Inc.Continue Reading Accessing Performance Evaluations in Federal Contracting