In a recent decision by the Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals, Dick Pacific Construction Co., Ltd., ASBCA No. 57675 et. al., decided on December 15, 2015, the Board repeated something that has been said many times before:

We consider daily logs to be the most reliable evidence of what actually happened during construction. Technocratica, ASBCA No. 46567 et al., 99-2 BCA ¶ 30,391 (“Daily inspection reports have been held to be prima facie evidence of the daily conditions as they existed at the time of performance.”)

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The Construction Industry offers tremendous opportunities and challenges for any business owner. However, when your customer is the federal government, there is an extra layer of requirements that can either make or break your business. Just putting together a bid or proposal is a test of skill and attention to detail, but what comes next?

On December 3, Jennifer Horn and Maria Panichelli presented the second webinar in their core construction curriculum series for Women Impacting Public Policy and Give Me 5%. The presentation, entitled “Best Practices in Construction,” covered suggested best practices for before, during, and after the conclusion of a construction project, in the context of both

If you participate in federal government procurement programs, either as a prime contractor or as a subcontractor, listen up!  Your small business size status may have changed on July 14, 2014 as a result of an interim rule issued by the SBA. The rule increased revenue-based size standards for numerous industries, including general and specialty

On February 6, 2009, President Obama issued an Executive Order encouraging agencies to use Project Labor Agreements ("PLAs") in federal construction projects with a total cost to the Government of $25 million or more.  The purpose of the Order is to avoid some of the problems which typically arise during the completion of such large