Cohen Seglias Co-Chair of the Federal Contracting Group, Edward DeLisle, testified at a Small Business Committee hearing titled, “All Work and No Pay: Change Orders Delayed for Small Construction Contractors.” The hearing examined the effects of change orders on small business contractors and potential solutions to alleviate the financial burden on small businesses caused by agency delay in approval and payment of change orders.
Continue Reading All Work and No Pay: Ed DeLisle Testifies Before Congressional Small Business Committee

Cohen Seglias and Govology Webinar

We are excited to bring you a webinar that we are hosting with Govology and presented by Maria Panichelli. We are happy to provide followers and friends of Cohen Seglias a 25% discount off of this webinar when they register using the code govology25. This is a live webinar that includes on-demand recordings that you will be able to access even if you cannot make the scheduled time. We think you will find this webinar not only informative but also a useful tool!

Date: July 21, 2016Govology Webinar July 21, 2016

Time: 1:00 – 2:30 p.m. EDT (10:00 a.m. PDT)

Duration: approx. 90 minutes

Continue Reading Webinar on Solving Post-Award Problems Through Change Orders, REAs, and Claims