As part of the President’s Management Agenda for Electronic Government, the Small Business Administration (SBA), the Integrated Acquisition Environment (IAE), and a number of Agency partners collaborated to develop the next generation of tools to collect subcontracting accomplishments. This government-wide tool is known as the eSRS. This Internet-based tool will streamline the process of reporting on subcontracting plans and provide agencies with access to analytical data on subcontracting performance. Specifically, the eSRS eliminates the need for paper submissions and processing of the SF 294’s, Individual Subcontracting Reports, and SF 295’s, Summary Subcontracting Reports, and replaces the paper with an easy-to-use electronic process to collect the data. With the first generation of eSRS, contractors and their business associates will report data through their web browser of choice, visiting this site and logging on to report accomplishments using an easy data entry process. However, future plans for the full operational capability state already include the development of a back-office interface for those businesses collecting accomplishments electronically.
Ultimately, with the eSRS launch the Government will be making big strides in providing an easier process for Federal contractors and their business associates to report subcontracting activity.